Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Life with....?"

We all have our own stories. We all have our own dreams. We all have our own thoughts.
Part of having our own stories, is having our own flaws. Now, for each person, their flaws vary. No family is perfect, either. "Life with non-bilogical parents" is a different story than "life with a single mom." "Life with a drunk uncle," "life with 6 younger sisters," "life with a family of 4," "life with twins," are all different from each other. The list could go on and on, but to be serious, they're all just different.

My life? Well, only PART of my story is "life with divorced parents." This shouldn't necessarily make anyone feel bad, nor draw attention to myself, but it's just something I live with. It's part of my struggle, and I share it with many other families.

Now, going to be a junior this upcoming fall, makes it almost 8 years since my parents split. They've always had split custody. I've always had two homes. They're not the same. Actually, they're completely different.  My dad has a fiancĂ©, and lives with her in a gorgeous, dark brown house with a pool in the back. My mom also has a fiancĂ©, and lives in an open, charming, white house with big flower pots in the front yard. They're both my family. They're both my houses. They're both mine, technically.

Some people say it would be great to have two of everything. "You get twice the amount of gifts on Christmas," "You get double the amount of birthday parties," "You have a bigger wardrobe." Okay, yeah, stuff like this is true, but there comes with complications in a situation like this.

I could not explain the amount of times I say "I left that at mom's," or, "I thought it was dad's weekend." Things slip your mind, and not to mention if you're in the middle of high school trying to juggle stress, school, friends, family, and soon to be a job. Someone asks if they can borrow something of mine, right? They ask for one specific sweatshirt, or one specific movie. My response? "Sorry, but it's at my mom's." Obviously this isn't all the time, but it deals with the same situation. Everything is split, and nearly everything is double.

Now, I could sit and yack all I want about "how hard life can be." But you know what? If you take something hard, give it some blessing, you can learn to use it for your own good. This can do with any other struggles, flaws, sins, and hardships families/friends might have. It might get frustrating, and it might never be solved, but you can always turn it into a hard blessing.

Hard blessing: A blessing that deserves more credit than it is given. A blessing that is difficult to handle, but without it, you would be nothing. A blessing that God gives you to use, rather than hate it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Do Numbers Matter?

I've realized something that's very important.

Large masses of water, big pieces of rock, and huge trees weigh a lot, do they not? They take up a lot of space. They represent creature as a whole. You can't have a trees without water. You can't have water without air. You can't have rock without sunshine. They all associate with one another. They cannot have one without the other.

People cannot live without one another. As introvert as you may be, you do need to somehow associate with other human beings. It's part of life. At the same time, we all judge. You don't know who will betray you, backstab you, hurt you, or who will crush your spirits.

Part of judging is physical appearance. You walk down the sidewalk, and within seconds, your brain and attitude make assumptions about the other person walking down that same sidewalk. "They're fat." "They're too skinny." "They have a lot of acne." "They walk funny." We can all avoid the fact that we don't WANT to admit that we think these things, but just as any other sin, we do. We judge. We hate. We hurt.

Think about it... What if you made those same judgements to creation? "It's not THAT pretty." "That tree is too tall." "Those clouds look ridiculous." Nobody thinks those things. Nobody hates creation. We all find joy in the sunset, the fresh air, and the water flowing beneath the bridge.

People are creation, too, though. That's the catch. Just like we don't judge the outdoors, we shouldn't judge the people of creation, either. Creation is creation. People are people. Pretty is pretty. People are pretty. Creation is pretty. It's all the same thing.

I get everyone sins and everyone judges. The world has sin. Just remember that everything is creation, just as everything is beautiful.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Testimony Poem

Presenting a poem in front of an audience made me realize how much I like sharing stories, poetry, and pieces of writing. I wrote and read this poem at my church's talent show, only to realize that I love writing more than I thought I did.

Growing up in a Christian school
I never knew what I would do
when my parents split apart
I would never knew I had a heart
until now
Bound, body, and found
Never worrying about a new season, 
because Jesus Christ gave me a reason
4th grade was when things went down hill 
It was like I was missing something to fill
All of a sudden I switched schools,
it was like a slap in the face
but then, from then on, I knew Jesus would win every case

My friends sat me down and questioned my faith
The whole "will-you-go-to-heaven"type of thing
But, don't you see, after that night, I knew the Holy Spirit would win the fight
Battles, scars, wounds, blood
How could I not see Jesus, just standing there
He had His arms wide open
waiting for me on the other side
But then and there I knew I was born to abide
If I can say one thing after that, I would never be thrushed into a public school again
unless, of course, it was His plan
Which, I can say, I'm not always a fan
But it doesn't even matter because
The name I can say over and over again
and never get enough of

The glory, the honor, the praise,
so much love for One big Lover
You know the thing that I don't understand?
How someone so sinful
so unclean
But someone so great
so perfect
can love someone who deserves nothing
deserves death
and the pain gives a sting
a sting that will forever ling
Unless the Jesus is above all else
because, let's just say, He deserves more than life itself
As Lecrae would say it, "I'm gonna tell the world everywhere, yeah I'm a buildboard,"
due to the fact that He made the stars
And the things we call cars,
Wait, did I ever mention?
Becoming a Christian is up for invitation
It is not a scary situation, but instead, it is a gift,
A gift that will bring you up lift

Elevated hands, up to the sky,
going forever and ever and never saying goodbye
Goodbye? Is that what you said?
Oh, of course, Christianity is the only option
and the joy about it is Jesus does not get a top spin
But, instead, He is plain and clear
Oh my goodness, do I wish to hold Him so dear
The catch of it all is
Jesus did not die for a fizz
But instead? He died for a passion
That would be you, me, and everyone to see
Jesus does not hold back
He gives everything with a bang
I swear, I could never get enough of Him
See what I did there? Jesus is needed, He is eternity, just as He is worthy
NEW: Needed, eternity, worthy

To sum everything up, I just gotta say:
Never hold Jesus to yourself.
If you do this, you must obey.
Never put Him alone on the shelf,
because since Jesus is a living sacrifice,
He is made for everybody, and is born to live in oneself.